📈 Atualização Semanal da Carteira – Semana 07: de 12 de fevereiro a 18 de fevereiro Caros Copiadores, 📈 Revisão do Mercado: Apesar das quedas nos três principais índices…
🧠 O Mistério dos Animal Spirits na Finança 📈🐾 Já se perguntou por que os mercados financeiros às vezes se comportam como uma montanha-russa? Vamos mergulhar no fascinante conceito…
🚀 Atualização Semanal do Portfólio – Semana 01: 01 jan–07 jan 2024 Queridos Copiadores, Aqui está um resumo da nossa jornada semanal no mercado: 📈 Visão Geral do Mercado: Uma…
Resumo de Mercado As ações experimentaram quedas na quinta-feira, enquanto os investidores absorviam os últimos relatórios de resultados e indicadores econômicos, juntamente com um aumento nas taxas de juros….
Portfolio Update – (Oct 11th to Oct 17th) Good afternoon! Hello, how are you all? For the week, the portfolio rose +4.83%. I remain confident in technology companies…
Portfolio Update – WEEK 05 (February 01st to February 07th) Good morning, Hello, how are you all? For the week, the portfolio rose and shined +7.71%. For the…
Portfolio Update – WEEK 1 (January 04th to January 10th) Good morning, Hello, how are you all? For the week, the portfolio rose and shined +6.85%. For the…
Good morning, Hello, how are you all? Portfolio for the third consecutive week rising, this time surged +0.80%, increased +16.68% in April. A great result for the portfolio this…
Good morning, Hello, how are you all? Attention! Portfolio rising, were +12.39% this week. Week in green for the portfolio, there was a break for 4 consecutive weeks in…
Portfolio Update – WEEK 12 (March 16th to March 22th) Good morning, Hello, how are you all? Just spending a little of my life this week. My wife…