mercato azionarioSTOCK MARKET

Portfolio Update – WEEK 51 (December 14th to December 20th)

Portfolio Update – WEEK 51 (December 14th to December 20th)


Good morning,


Hello, how are you all?

For the week, the portfolio rose and shined +6.00%. For the year, the result is fine, +100.12% and for December moved up +5.86%. I remain confident in technology companies especially. In the next few days, I intend to add funds to the portfolio and reinforce the main positions. Check it out the portfolio stats .

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(Seeking Alpha) Stocks snapped their three-day advance with small losses Friday in volatile quadruple witching trading, as progress stalled on a COVID financial relief package. Some Republican Senators led by Pat Toomey want to wind down the Fed’s authority to set up emergency lending facilities, while Democrats see the move as an attempt to hinder President-elect Biden’s incoming administration. Intel and other chip stocks fell in late trading after Microsoft was said to be working on in-house processor designs for use in server computers that run the company’s cloud services. The major averages eked out gains for the week, with the Dow adding +0.4%, the S&P 500 advancing +1.3% and the tech-heavy Nasdaq outperforming with a +3.1% gain for the week.


Here is the detailed weekly income of the positions that make up the portfolio:


ENPH – Enphase Energy, Inc. +17.51%

TSLA – Tesla, Inc. +13.94%

NIO – NIO Limited +11.29%

SHOP – Shopify Inc. +10.69%

PYPL – PayPal Holdings, Inc. +10.46%

LULU – Lululemon Athletica Inc. +9.80%

SQ – Square, Inc. +8.71%

SEDG – SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. +7.89%

MELI – MercadoLibre, Inc. +7.29%

FSLY – Fastly, Inc. +6.36%

NFLX – Netflix, Inc. +6.21%

AMD – Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. +4.66%

FVRR – Fiverr Internacional Lt. +3.92%

AAPL – Apple Inc. +3.47%

TTD – The Trade Desk, Inc. +2.74%

AMZN –, Inc. +2.73%

MSFT – Microsoft Corporation +2.50%

ZM – Zoom Video Communications, Inc. +2.27%

NVDA – NVIDIA Corporation +1.99%

FB – Facebook, Inc. +1.04%

GOOG – Alphabet Inc. -2.85%

PLTR – Palantir Technologies Inc. -4.52%


No changes for the portfolio this week. Stocks/ETFs on my radar and that interest me: RH, ADBE, CRWD, COUP, CROX, and ETSY .


Tesla makes grand entrance into S&P500

Tesla rose +5.96% in the last trading day before the company’s addition to the S&P 500 Index. Shares carved out a new high of $695.00 during the high-volume session. Tesla will represent roughly 1% of S&P 500’s market capitalization once trading starts on Monday, to provide it with some institutional buying tailwinds. The company also received some positive news from S&P Global Ratings, with a rating bump that puts Tesla one step closer to an investment grade rating.


U.S. Indices

Dow +0.4% to 30,179. S&P 500 +1.3% to 3,709. Nasdaq +3.1% to 12,756. Russell 2000 +3.2% to 1,973. CBOE Volatility Index -7.5% to 21.57.

S&P 500 Sectors

Consumer Staples +0.8%. Utilities +0.1%. Financials +0.1%. Telecom -0.5%. Healthcare +1.1%. Industrials +0.1%. Information Technology +3.2%. Materials +1.9%. Energy -4.3%. Consumer Discretionary +2.3%.


Thanks for reading.


Have a good one,




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